I live in a beautiful part of the world, surrounded by the ever changing sea and forests in a seaside town on Vancouver Island.
This beauty influences much of my work. The Journey Art has always been a part of my life, though like most people, our passions take a winding path and many forms. Mine often existed in the background rather than the foreground of professional pursuits. I was introduced to the concept of art and play therapies while working in the medical field and was fascinated with the thought of combining my love of art in a way to help heal. This started a unique learning and creative journey through my career path integrating these concepts. Today I use art therapeutically in a private practise, often with individuals or groups struggling from Stroke or Dementia. Art has an amazing ability to heal, empower, even in seemingly innocuous ways. In my studio classes, workshops or solo with artists, I support stepping into courage and encourage listening to the emerging work and learning to let go. Pushing past the fear of a blank canvas and stepping further into one's creativity is an act of courage. Each day I too take that step of courage, to push myself to not be afraid of what my brush might choose to do on a given day, to listen deeply. Staying playful, keeping the critic at bay and exploring colour in all its magical complexities, to be able to.... Paint Life Laughing. |
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.
Scott Adams
Scott Adams